Crafting Your Vision & Setting Goals for 2025

Introduction Reflect, Realign, and Dream Big for 2025

You may or may not buy into the hype of New Year’s resolutions, but I want to challenge you to be intentional about reflecting on 2024 and planning for 2025. One of my favorite things about the end of the year is reflecting on the highs and lows of the past twelve months and getting excited for what lies ahead. Whether you are reviewing the 2024 goals you wrote out or simply jotting down a list of the amazing things you accomplished and experienced, reflection is an essential part of growth.

Why Reflection Matters

Personally, I absolutely love setting goals and working toward them. Over time, I’ve let go of perfectionism and the expectation that I’ll accomplish everything I set out to do. I’m a dreamer, and I set big, lofty goals for myself to push for growth every year. If I manage to accomplish everything on my list, it either means my goals weren’t ambitious enough or I’ve likely pushed myself to the point of burnout.

Reflection isn’t about shaming yourself for the goals you didn’t achieve or dwelling on your shortcomings. It’s about celebrating wins, learning from challenges, and understanding how the journey of working toward those goals has shaped you. Questions like these help guide my reflection:

  • How much did I change?

  • What did I learn?

  • Why is this goal no longer aligned with my priorities?

  • What obstacles did I face?

  • What has changed in my life?

  • What parts of my life do I love?

Definitely celebrate your wins—acknowledge the joy of crossing something off your list. But when you fall short, use those moments to reflect and realign rather than criticize yourself.

A Framework for Goal-Setting & Creating a Vision Statement

When setting goals for the upcoming year, it’s not just about creating a to-do list. It’s about embodying the person you want to become, clarifying your priorities, and identifying the steps needed to achieve them. Here’s a simple process to help you craft a vision and set meaningful goals.

Start with an overall vision that defines who you aspire to be and what you want your life to embody. State it as if it’s already true to solidify it in your mind and spirit.

Example Vision:In 2025, I am a woman who is confident in her decisions, seeks only her own validation, prioritizes growth, and extends unwavering kindness to those in her community—all while living a slower and more meaningful life.

Break It Down Into Tangible Goals

Next, align your vision with actionable goals. Here’s how you can break it down:

  • Vision: Confident in her decisions

    • Action: I committed to no alcohol for three months this year.

  • Vision: Seeks only her own validation

    • Action: I journal and do affirmations five times a week.

  • Vision: Prioritizes growth

    • Action: I listened to 10 audiobooks and read 1,000 pages.

  • Vision: Extends unwavering kindness to her community

    • Action: I donated five hours of my time to local initiatives each month.

  • Vision: Living a slower life

    • Action: I took one leisure vacation this year.

  • Vision: Meaningful life

    • Action: I limited my social media time to 30 minutes daily.

This example is fictional, but it demonstrates how you can craft goals that are deeply aligned with your vision. By tying your goals to a greater purpose, they gain meaning and become stepping stones toward your best self. Writing them as if they’ve already happened reinforces your identity and helps you embody the mindset needed to achieve them.

Conclusion: Give Yourself Grace and Time

Carve out time to create your vision and set your goals. Remember, there’s no deadline for this work. Whether you get to it in early January or mid-February, your goals are just as valid and meaningful. The key is to approach this process with intention and a heart open to growth.

Here’s to dreaming big and making 2025 a year of purpose, progress, and joy!

With support,


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